Orgonite Creations USA

Deep Roots Chakra Pyramid

Sale price Price $222.00 Regular price

Reach deep into the DNA and mother earth to reconnect to spirit.  A strong grounded connection helps on all levels and is the foundation of health.  This pyramid contains Shungite, Red Jasper, Black Lava Rocks and RedRock Sandstone from Cathedral Rock in Sedona AZ.  This combination helps to solidify the root and nourish the root chakra.  The Root Chakra is related to our feeling of security, money, survival, sex, and instant.  Its critical to have this chakra balanced to effectively work on and heal the higher chakras.

Contains layers of Shungite, Red Jasper, Black Lava, White Sand from NM, Red Rock form Cathedral Rock in Sedona, piezoelectric quartz.       Copper, aluminum, brass, copper powder, iron oxide.