Water Has Memory

Orgonite has the ability to structure and charge water.  Water is a substance like no other.  It is the only substance in the universe that can exist as all states of matter and defy the laws of physics.  Something else about water that changes your entire concept of the element.  It can exist in what’s known as a 4th state of matter.  The hydrogen and oxygen molecules rearrange there bonds and shapes to form a uniform and coherent type of “water.”  Basically a liquid crystal that can store information, conduct electrical charge and even be used in place of gasoline in the combustion process.  
This gaseous form of combustible water in one form is called “Brown’s Gas.”  Anyone can research Brown’s Gas and find a plethora of information on its use in European countries.   It’s truly amazing what is being “rediscovered” about water and it’s unique relationship with physics.
Personal Experiment
I have conducted my own experiments with Orgonite and its effect on water.  There is a popular test anyone with a piece of Orgonite can do to first hand see the energetic vortex Orgonite creates.  It’s called the freeze test.  Some people will add dye to make it more visible, but in my experiment I did not.  You simply fill two cups up with water from the same source and place Orgonite on top of, or under one of the cups.  Put them both in the freezer and try not to open the freezer until they both are solid.  I opened it early and made a obvious crack across both ice blocks!! So be patient, its worth it.  
Can you tell which cup had the Orgonite under it?
Left cup had a pyramid under it and the right cup did not.  You can see what looks like a ball of energy frozen in the middle of the left cup.  The radiating spikes coming out of the ball are signature to these freeze test.  The water in the left cup is crystal clear where the right cup is quite cloudy.  It’s said that Orgonite has a cleansing effect on air and water due to the scalar waves created by them. Scalar waves pull pollution in the sky and air up and away from the ground like and upside down tornado.  It’s even looks like that’s what happened in the left cup.  The ice near the bottom is clearer than the top part, as if the contamination in the tap water was pushed upward and the bottom stayed clean as it froze.