Combat Geoengineering

By now we all know that something is going on with the airplane trails lingering in the sky for long periods of time and spreading into thick, unnatural cloud cover for hours and sometimes days at a time.  The weather patterns year after year have been getting more out of balance and the reason we are given is due to global warming and climate change! But is that all that’s going on??
Geoengineering or “Stratospheric Arresol Injection” is where airplanes are used to spray nano particulates of different metals into our sky in an effort to reflect a percentage of heat from sunlight back into space.  It can also be used to create and reroute weather patterns of various types.  When the charge of an atmospheric layer is altered from the sudden injection of positively charged particulates it creates a weather phenomenon.  
Needless to say the particulates are many harmful metals to biological life.  Metals like aluminum, barium and strontium are some used to be sprayed over the population. These particulates rain down after the temperature drops late afternoon and night.  These are very toxic metals and we are breathing them in daily.  There is a rise is neurodegerative disease and it seems to correlate with the introduction of these particulates in our environment.
Orgonite emits a field and vortexing energy that helps to push the (+) charged particulates up and away from your environment.  Science considered these “scalar waves.”  These scalar waves can actually be seen in the sky as they clean up harmful pollution. As this field continuously pushed harmful pollution away from the ground helping you and your area be free from breathing these metals in daily.  A company in South Africa have actually changd record breaking droughts and completely rebalancing the southern landscape of the contenint.   A device called the “cloud buster” is a Orgonite tool made with large copper pipes, bd terminated quartz, and lots of Orgonite mix!  These CBs basically adjust the orgone quantity in the upper layers of atmosphere to allow the cloud formation process  to take place.  Once clouds can form parcipitation can occur.  He proved this countless times in different parts of the world.